Sunday, April 13, 2014

Books and the Dystopian world

I love reading books. I recalled that during my grade school days, whenever my mom picks me up from school, we usually went straight to National Book Store (NBS) Harrison Plaza branch (that's because that's the nearest mall from where we live) if we need to buy some school supplies for projects or homework. My mom will ask me what I want and I said I want the latest book on the Unicorn Club series (Sweet Valley). She'll buy me the latest one and so my book collecting hobby started since then.

As the years goes by, my taste in what kind of genre I read had changed. I used to be love books about young love. However when I started college I became choosy when it comes to buying books. I find myself buying for classical books and then fantasy and adventures. Those books still have some "love" involved but it's not entirely about romance.

Speaking of adventure, I noticed that I became obsessed with books about dystopian world. One of the series I've read is the Hunger Games. This I think is the first book that will first come to mind if you thought about dystopian world. It has and is still being made into a film which has been a worldwide success. I guess after reading this series, my love for dystopian future books heightened even more. I've never liked reading science-fiction books but because of this I'm slowly accepting that genre into my books to read list.

Now I had started reading the Maze Runner series which is also made into a movie starring one of my current favorite actor Dylan O'Brien (Teen Wolf). Thanks to my friend Nanz, I discovered the brilliant acting skills of this guy. He's really good and I think he'll go places.

Anyway, I'm done reading the prequel book of the Maze Runner series as well as the first book, Maze Runner. I only have three words to say about these books. I love it. So if you love Hunger Games, I think you'll love this one too.

I haven't read the Divergent books yet but that will be the next on my list after I finished the current series I'm reading. Expect to have more posts about books here in my blog. I might include some book and movie reviews on my future posts just to give you pixies ideas what my little brain is currently reading.

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